Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Off Shore Oil Drilling and the Arnold card

Bush has a brilliant new solution to the oil crisis and the rising gas prices. Drill for oil offshore. According to the New York Times, this lifts nearly two decades of executive orders banning the practice. Reading the article a bit further, it is hard not to laugh though. Here is the paragraph: "The lifting of the moratorium — first announced by Mr. Bush’s father, President George Bush, in 1990 and extended by President Bill Clinton — will have no real impact because a Congressional moratorium on drilling enacted in 1981 and renewed annually remains in force. And there appeared to be no consensus for lifting it in tandem with Mr. Bush’s action." So basically, this means that Bush's action is meaningless.

Another interesting development in the political race is the recent suggestion that Arnold Schwarzenegger may be taking a position as an environmental czar - under Obama! Obama has praised Schwarzenegger's efforts against climate change and mentioned his name as a possible cabinet officer, which in interviews, Schwarzenegger has said he would consider accepting.

This means that even though McCain has Schwarzenegger's endorsement, Obama may actually hold the Arnold card when it comes to the election.


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